We maintain a very close and personal relationship with all our partners and employees. We work together and we learn from each other. We invest in their further training to improve their skills and expand their knowledge. In addition, we participate in the expansion of our partners’ production facilities by investing in machinery, tools and materials, as their absence is often the biggest challenge to the growth of small businesses. Our goal is to create social and fair working conditions as well as higher production standards. This allows our partners to produce high quality products for the global market, not only for SOLOKO, but for all their customers, in order to grow their business sustainably and independently in the long term.
We buy the products from our partners at fair and value-based prices. In this way, we ensure that they are not under financial pressure and are not exposed to low wages. In order to be able to pre-finance production or material costs, we also pay a part of the production costs when the order is placed.
We pay our employees fair wages as well as support in social benefits and we pay attention to very good working conditions.
In addition, we strive to constantly increase the share of the total value added in Ghana. Our products are manufactured entirely in Ghana. This supports the creation of jobs for the unemployed or underemployed, especially from the informal sector, and helps to increase economic productivity in Ghana. As far as possible, we use local materials and raw materials for product components. Unfortunately, we still face some challenges in doing so. For example, we are not yet able to source all our yarns for woven textiles in Ghana, or we currently have to resort to imported zips. However, we are constantly working to improve this situation as well.